Helpful Symbols and Shortcuts for Taking Notes

Note-taking Symbols and Abbreviations !

Below is a list of common symbols and short forms that can help you take notes faster.

How to Take Quick Notes: Using Abbreviations

Abbreviations for Faster Note-Taking

Symbols and Abbreviations For Note Taking
Symbols and Abbreviations For Note Taking

A simplified and easy-to-read version of the content presented in a table from A to Z.

Abbreviation Meaning
approx. Approximately
b/c Because
b/4 Before
bk. Book
C Century (e.g., 21C for ‘twenty-first century’)
c. Around, approximately (from Latin ‘circa’)
cf. Compare to, in comparison with
cp. Compare
def. Definition
diff. Different, difference
ea. Each
e.g. For example
fr. From
etc. And so on
i.e. That is, in other words
impt. Important
NB Important, note this
nec. Necessary
re. Regarding, about
sim. Similar
s/t Something
T. Theory, theoretical
tho’ Though
thro’ Through
w/ With
w/o Without
viz. Namely, that is to say
v. Very
vv. Extremely
vs. Against
ppl People
res Research
natl National
eqn Equation
ed Education
dep Department
esp Especially
ustand Understand
Am. Morning
Pm. Afternoon
asap As soon as possible
Wrt With respect to
=ity Equality
evryt Everything
infl Influence
r. Rate (e.g., birth rate)
devel Development
expl Explanation
trad Traditional
cult Cultural
instit Institution
justific Justification
nt Nothing
lrg Large
soc. Social or society
Stats Statistics
Am’t Amount
educat’l Educational
subj Subject
cons Conservative
ind Individual
ckg Checking
estg Establishing
Expting Experimenting
bkgd Background
ppd Prepared
prblm Problem
C19 Nineteenth century (e.g., C20 for 20th century)
1920s 1920-1929 (similar for other decades)
Ltd Limited
max. Maximum
min. Minimum
G.B. Great Britain
U.K. United Kingdom
Eng. English
Brit. British
Sts Students


Quick Note-Taking Symbols | A-Z Guide

A list of Useful Symbols and Abbreviations from A to Z in English.

Symbol Meaning
2 To, two, too
4 For
8 Anything ending in ‘ate’
+ And, also, in addition to
Minus, without
Does not equal, is not the same as
Is approximately equal to, is similar to
= Equals, is the same as
> Is greater than, is larger than
Increase, rise, growth
< Is less than, is smaller than
↑↑ Rapid increase
Decrease, fall, shrinkage
↓↓ Rapid decrease
Therefore, thus
Leads to, causes
x No, not, incorrect
xx Definitely not, disproved
? Uncertain, possibly, question
Yes, correct
✓✓ Definitely, certain, proven
# Number
Special, important
/ Per (e.g., £50/day)
! Not, isn’t
@ At
Proportional to
Δ Change
♀️ Female, women
♂️ Male, men
Means space in quote


Specific Historical Terms

A list of Useful Symbols and Abbreviations from A to Z in English.

Abbreviation Full Form
19thC or 19C 19th Century
WWI World War I
WWII World War II
Indust. Rev. Industrial Revolution
Fren. Rev. French Revolution
Rus. Rev. Russian Revolution
Nat Soc or Nazism National Socialism
Prus Prussian
US United States or American
Brit or GB Great Britain or Britain
Eng. English or England
Germ. German
Fr. French or France


Abbreviations You Don’t Use Often for Taking Notes

A list of Useful Symbols and Abbreviations from A to Z in English.

Abbreviation Meaning
A Answer
adm. Administration
adj. Adjective, Adjourned, Adjustment
abr. Abridged
abbr. Abbreviation, Abbreviated
acad. Academic, Academy
aka. Also known as
app. Appendix
assoc. Association
biol. Biology
bibliog. Bibliography
bot. Botanical, Botany
cap. Capital, Capitalize
chap. Chapter
chem. Chemical
co. Company
colloq. Colloquial, Colloquialism
conf. Conference, Confer
cont. Containing, Content, Continue, Continued
com. Commercial, Commission, Communication
cr. Credit
crit. Criticism
diag. Diagram
disc. Discovered
dist. Distinguished
div. Dividend, Division
distr. Distribution, Distributed
econ. Economics, Economy
esp. Especially
est. Established, Estimate
ex. Examined, Example
excl. Excluding
f. Feminine, Frequency
gen. Gender, General
govt. Government
hist. History, Historical, Historian
illus. Illustrated
inc. Including
info. Information
lang. Language
m. Male
orig. Original, Originated
p. / pp. Page / Pages
para. Paragraph
poss. Possible, Possibly
prin. Principal
prob. Problem, Probably
probs. Problems
prod. Produced by, Production
pt. / pts. Part, Point / Parts
Q. Question
ref. Refer, Reference
reg. Region, Registered, Regular, Regulation
rev. Review, Revision
sci. Science, Scientific
sect. Section
sp. Special, Species, Specific
st. Study, Student
univ. Universal, University
usu. Usually
vers. Version
yr. Year


Read more about “Pronunciations

FAQs for abbreviations

What does “adm.” stand for?

A: “Adm.” stands for Administration.

What does “adj.” mean?

A: “Adj.” can mean Adjective, Adjourned, or Adjustment.

What is the abbreviation for “Abridged”?

A: The abbreviation for “Abridged” is “abr.”

What does “abbr.” refer to?

A: “Abbr.” refers to Abbreviation or Abbreviated.

What does “aka.” mean?

A: “Aka.” stands for “Also known as.”

What does “assoc.” stand for?

A: “Assoc.” stands for Association.

What is the abbreviation for “Botany”?

A: The abbreviation for “Botany” is “bot.”

What does “cap.” refer to?

A: “Cap.” can refer to Capital or Capitalize.

What is the abbreviation for “Chapter”?

A: The abbreviation for “Chapter” is “chap.”

What does “cont.” mean?

A: “Cont.” can mean Containing, Content, Continue, or Continued.

What does “cr.” stand for?

A: “Cr.” stands for Credit.

What does “econ.” refer to?

A: “Econ.” refers to Economics or Economy.

What is the abbreviation for “Government”?

A: The abbreviation for “Government” is “govt.”

What does “info.” mean?

A: “Info.” stands for Information.

What does “orig.” refer to?

A: “Orig.” refers to Original or Originated.

What is the abbreviation for “Page”?

A: The abbreviation for “Page” is “p.” and for “Pages” is “pp.”

What does “ref.” stand for?

A: “Ref.” stands for Refer or Reference.

What does “sci.” mean?

A: “Sci.” stands for Science or Scientific.

What is the abbreviation for “Special”?

A: The abbreviation for “Special” is “sp.”

What does “yr.” refer to?

A: “Yr.” refers to Year.

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