List Of Conjunctions

List Of Conjunctions

We know that there are four types of conjunctions:

  • Coordinating conjunctions:
  • Subordinating conjunctions:
  • Correlative conjunctions:
  • Conjunctive Adverbs:

Now we will know individual example of conjunctions.

Coordinating conjunctions:

Coordinating conjunctions are used to join two or more words, phrases, or clauses of equal importance in a sentence. Here is a list of coordinating conjunctions:

  1. and
  2. but
  3. or
  4. nor
  5. for
  6. yet
  7. so

Remember the acronym FANBOYS can help you remember the list of coordinating conjunctions.

Now is Subordinating Conjunctions:

Subordinating conjunctions are used to join a dependent clause to an independent clause, creating a complex sentence. Here is a list of some commonly used subordinating conjunctions:

Sure, here are 100 subordinating conjunctions in English:

  1. After
  2. Although
  3. As
  4. As if
  5. As long as
  6. As soon as
  7. As though
  8. Because
  9. Before
  10. Even if
  11. Even though
  12. If
  13. In order that
  14. In case
  15. In the event that
  16. Lest
  17. Now that
  18. Once
  19. Provided that
  20. Rather than
  21. Since
  22. So that
  23. Supposing
  24. Than
  25. That
  26. Though
  27. Till
  28. Unless
  29. Until
  30. When
  31. Whenever
  32. Where
  33. Whereas
  34. Wherever
  35. Whether
  36. While
  37. Because of
  38. Due to
  39. Inasmuch as
  40. Insofar as
  41. In that
  42. Provided
  43. Seeing that
  44. So
  45. In order to
  46. As much as
  47. As soon as
  48. As far as
  49. As though
  50. Even as
  51. While
  52. After all
  53. By the time
  54. Even if
  55. Once
  56. Inasmuch as
  57. In the hope that
  58. In the belief that
  59. In the interest of
  60. So long as
  61. On the assumption that
  62. Unless
  63. Provided that
  64. Whenever
  65. Until
  66. As a result of
  67. In accordance with
  68. In addition to
  69. In case that
  70. In contrast to
  71. In spite of
  72. In terms of
  73. On account of
  74. In view of
  75. In order that
  76. Insofar as
  77. Inasmuch as
  78. For the reason that
  79. Regardless of
  80. Due to the fact that
  81. Even though
  82. As much as
  83. As soon as
  84. As well as
  85. In as much as
  86. In the event that
  87. In order to
  88. In place of
  89. In the event of
  90. In light of
  91. In comparison to
  92. In consequence of
  93. In deference to
  94. In lieu of
  95. In proportion to
  96. In recognition of
  97. In regard to
  98. In relation to
  99. In replacement of
  100. In support of

Or at bengali…

  1. যদি – if
  2. যখন – when
  3. যতক্ষণ – as long as
  4. পরে – after
  5. পূর্বে – before
  6. যেন – so that, in order to
  7. যতটা – as much as
  8. একেবারে – once, as soon as
  9. কারণ – because
  10. যদিও – although
  11. যদিও না কেন – even if
  12. তবে – but, however
  13. কিন্তু – but, however
  14. যেমন – as
  15. যেখানে – where
  16. হঠাৎ – suddenly
  17. সুতরাং – therefore
  18. সেই কারণে – for that reason
  19. এক্ষেত্রে – in this case
  20. যেখানে – where
  21. না হলে – unless
  22. পরে – after
  23. যাতে – in order that
  24. এক্ষেত্রে – in case
  25. যাকে – whom
  26. যেমন – as
  27. নাকি – whether
  28. যখনো- whenever
  29. সেই – that
  30. যেতে – in order to
  31. পরিবর্তে – instead of
  32. একেবারে – once
  33. কিংবা – or
  34. ব্যতীত – except
  35. যদিও – although
  36. সবসময় – always
  37. নাহলেও – even if not
  38. সুতরাং – therefore
  39. হলেও – even if
  40. সময়ে – while
  41. কেন – why
  42. নাকারান্ত – without
  43. প্রথমে – first
  44. যেনেই – so that
  45. আখেরে – finally
  46. পুর্বে – previously
  47. জীবনে – in life
  48. আগে – before
  49. একটানা – alone
  50. অধিকাংশ – mostly
  51. যেহেতু – since, because
  52. কেন – why
  53. কারণ – because
  54. যদি – if
  55. না হলে – if not
  56. কাজে – in order that
  57. পরে – after
  58. যখন – when
  59. একবার – once
  60. যতক্ষণ – as long as
  61. নাকি – whether
  62. সুতরাং – therefore
  63. তখনই – then
  64. তথাপি – however
  65. যেহেতু – since
  66. না হলেও – even if not
  67. এমনটা,এমনি,যেন,যাতে – so that
  68. হলে – if
  69. তাহলে,তখন – then
  70. কিন্তু,তবে – but
  71. যে – that
  72. যতটা – as much as
  73. একেবারেই – all of a sudden
  74. একদা – once
  75. একবারে – at once
  76. যখনই – whenever
  77. হলেও – even if
  78. এমনকি – even
  79. সেকারণে – accordingly
  80. এমনভাবে – in this way
  81. যেনে – in order to
  82. যেতে – in order to
  83. যদিও – although
  84. জবাবে – in reply

Remember that this is not an exhaustive list, and there may be other subordinating conjunctions that are not included here.

Now is Correlative conjunctions

Correlative conjunctions are used to join two or more words, phrases, or clauses of equal importance. They always come in pairs and work together to create balance in a sentence. Here is a list of commonly used correlative conjunctions:

  1. both…and
  2. either…or
  3. neither…nor
  4. not only…but also
  5. whether…or


  • Both the cat and the dog were sleeping on the couch.
  • Either you come with me, or you stay here.
  • Neither the teacher nor the students knew the answer.
  • Not only did he finish the project on time, but also he received an A+.
  • Whether you like it or not, you have to go to school.

Remember that these are not the only correlative conjunctions, but they are the most common ones.