Mispronounced Words

What are the mispronounced words?

Mispronounced words can vary depending on regional accents, individual speech patterns, and language background. However, here are some commonly mispronounced words in English:

  • nuclear – often mispronounced as “nucular”
  • mischievous – often mispronounced as “mis-CHEE-vee-us” instead of “MIS-chiv-us”
  • pronunciation – often mispronounced as “pro-NOUN-ciation” instead of “pro-nun-see-A-shun”
  • library – sometimes mispronounced as “lie-berry” instead of “lie-brary”
  • et cetera – often mispronounced as “ek cetera” instead of “et SET-er-ah”
  • escape – sometimes mispronounced as “excape”
  • especially – often mispronounced as “expecially”
  • February – often mispronounced as “Feb-u-ary” instead of “Feb-ru-ary”
  • height – sometimes mispronounced as “heighth”
  • often – some people pronounce the “t,” while others say “offen” without the “t”

It’s important to note that language is dynamic, and pronunciations can vary. Additionally, what may be considered a mispronunciation in one region may be the standard pronunciation in another.

How to learn the right form of mispronounced words in the right way?

If you realize that you have been mispronouncing a word, there are several steps you can take to learn the correct pronunciation:

  • Look up the word: Use a dictionary or an online resource to find the correct pronunciation of the word. Make sure to listen to the audio pronunciation to hear the correct sound.
  • Practice: Once you have found the correct pronunciation, practice saying the word out loud several times. You may want to record yourself saying the word to hear how it sounds.
  • Break it down: If the word has difficult sounds, such as consonant clusters or silent letters, break the word down into smaller parts and practice each part individually.
  • Listen to native speakers: Listen to how native speakers say the word in context. You can do this by watching videos or listening to podcasts in which the word is used.
  • Seek feedback: Ask a friend or family member who speaks the language fluently to listen to your pronunciation and provide feedback. Alternatively, you can work with a language tutor or teacher who can help you improve your pronunciation.

Remember that learning the correct pronunciation of a word takes practice and patience. Keep practicing until the correct pronunciation feels natural to you.

Here are 10 commonly mispronounced words in the English language:

English can be a challenging language to master, especially when it comes to pronunciation. Even native English speakers often mispronounce words, whether due to regional dialects or simply not being familiar with the correct pronunciation. In this article, we will explore the 10 most commonly mispronounced words in the English language.

  • Pronunciation – (pro-nun-see-AY-shun): Many people mispronounce the word “pronunciation” by saying “pro-noun-see-AY-shun”.
  • February – (FEB-roo-ary): People often mispronounce “February” by saying “Feb-yoo-ary” or leaving out the first “r”.
  • Library – (LAHY-brer-ee): The word “library” is often mispronounced as “lie-berry” or “li-berry”.
  • Nuclear – (NOO-klee-er): “Nuclear” is often mispronounced as “noo-kyoo-lar”.
  • Mischievous – (MIS-chuh-vuhs): This word is often mispronounced as “mis-CHEE-vee-ous”.
  • Espresso – (es-PRESS-oh): Many people mispronounce “espresso” by saying “ex-PRESS-oh”.
  • Sherbet – (SHER-bit): This word is often mispronounced as “sher-BERT”.
  • Prescription – (prih-SKRIP-shun): People often mispronounce “prescription” as “per-scrip-tion”.
  • Entrepreneur – (ahn-truh-pruh-NOOR): This word is often mispronounced as “on-trep-pren-YOO-er”.
  • Specific – (spi-SIF-ik): Many people mispronounce “specific” as “pa-CIF-ic”.

These words are just a few examples of commonly mispronounced words in English. It’s important to note that pronunciation can vary depending on regional dialects and accents. However, knowing the correct pronunciation of these commonly mispronounced words can help you communicate more clearly and effectively. By paying attention to pronunciation and practicing these words, you can improve your English language skills and sound more confident when speaking.



Here are some commonly mispronounced words in the English language from ‘A to Z’:


  • Asterisk – This word is often mispronounced as “as-ter-ix” instead of “as-ter-isk”.
  • Arctic – Some people mispronounce this word as “ar-tik” instead of “ark-tik”.
  • Athlete – This word is often pronounced as “ath-a-lete” instead of “ath-leet”.


  • Banal – The correct pronunciation is “buh-nal”, but some people say “bay-nal”.
  • Cache – This word is often mispronounced as “cash-ay” instead of “cash”.
  • Coupon – Some people pronounce this word as “coo-pawn” instead of “koo-pon”.


  • Chasm – This word is often mispronounced as “cah-sm” instead of “kaz-uhm”.
  • Covert – The correct pronunciation is “kuh-vurt”, but some people say “koh-vurt”.
  • Coup – This word is often mispronounced as “coop” instead of “koo”.


  • Debris – Some people pronounce this word as “deb-ree” instead of “duh-bree”.
  • Depreciate – The correct pronunciation is “dih-pree-shee-ate”, but some people say “dih-preh-shee-ate”.
  • Draught – This word is often mispronounced as “draft” instead of “drawt”.


  • Epitome – The correct pronunciation is “ih-pit-uh-mee”, but some people say “eh-pit-ohm”.
  • Espresso – This word is often mispronounced as “ex-presso” instead of “es-presso”.
  • Et cetera – Some people pronounce this phrase as “ek-cetera” instead of “et-set-er-uh”.


  • February – Many people mistakenly pronounce this month as “Feb-yoo-ary” instead of “Feb-roo-ary”.
  • Fahrenheit – The correct pronunciation is “FAR-en-height”, but some people say “FAH-ren-height”.
  • Foliage – This word is often pronounced as “foy-ledge” instead of “foh-lee-ij”.


  • GIF – The creators of the Graphics Interchange Format intended for it to be pronounced with a soft “g” like “jif” (as in the peanut butter brand). However, many people pronounce it with a hard “g” like “gift” instead.
  • Genre – This word is often mispronounced as “gen-ner” instead of “zhahn-ruh”.
  • Gourmet – Some people pronounce this word as “gore-met” instead of “goor-may”.


  • Height – The “h” in this word is silent, so it should be pronounced as “hite”.
  • Homage – The correct pronunciation is “AH-mij”, but some people say “oh-MAZH”.
  • Hors d’oeuvre – This French word is often pronounced as “horse doovers” instead of “or-DURV”.


  • Interchangeable – This word is often mispronounced as “in-ter-CHANG-uh-bul” instead of “in-ter-CHAYN-uh-bul”.
  • Irrelevant – The correct pronunciation is “ih-REL-uh-vuhnt”, but some people say “ih-RELL-uh-vuhnt”.
  • Itinerary – This word is often pronounced as “eye-tin-er-ary” instead of “eye-tin-uh-rer-ee”.


  • Juxtapose – Many people mispronounce this word as “juck-stuh-pose” instead of “juhk-stuh-pohz”.


  • Kilometer – This word is often mispronounced as “kill-oh-mee-ter” instead of “ki-LOM-uh-ter”.


  • Library – The correct pronunciation is “lie-brer-ee”, but some people say “lie-berry”.
  • Lingerie – This word is often mispronounced as “lin-jer-ee” instead of “lahn-zhuh-ray”.
  • Mischievous – The correct pronunciation is “MIS-chuh-vus”, but some people say “mis-CHEE-vee-us”.


  • Mischievous – This word is often mispronounced as “mis-CHEE-vee-us” instead of “MIS-chuh-vus”.
  • Niche – The correct pronunciation is “neesh”, but some people say “nitch”.
  • Nuclear – This word is often pronounced as “noo-kyuh-ler” instead of “noo-klee-er”.


  • Often – The “t” in this word is silent, so it should be pronounced as “off-en”.
  • Omnipotent – This word is often mispronounced as “om-nee-poh-tent” instead of “om-nuh-poh-tent”.
  • Ornery – Some people pronounce this word as “orn-ree” instead of “AWR-nuh-ree”.


  • Prescription – The correct pronunciation is “prih-skrip-shun”, but some people say “per-skrip-shun”.
  • Pronunciation – This word is often mispronounced as “pro-noun-see-ay-shun” instead of “pro-nun-see-ay-shun”.
  • Probably – Some people pronounce this word as “prob-lee” instead of “prah-buh-blee”.


  • Quinoa – This word is often mispronounced as “kwin-oh-ah” instead of “keen-wah”.


  • Realtor – The correct pronunciation is “real-tor”, but some people say “real-a-tor”.
  • Regularly – This word is often mispronounced as “reg-yuh-ler-lee” instead of “reg-yoo-ler-lee”.
  • Relevant – The correct pronunciation is “rel-uh-vuhnt”, but some people say “rell-uh-vuhnt”.


  • Sherbet – This word is often pronounced as “sher-bert” instead of “sher-bit”.
  • Supposedly – Some people pronounce this word as “supposably” instead of “suh-poh-zid-lee”.
  • Synonym – The correct pronunciation is “sin-uh-nim”, but some people say “sin-oh-nim”.


  • Temperature – Some people mispronounce this word as “temp-chur” instead of “tem-per-uh-chur”.
  • Triathlon – This word is often pronounced as “try-ath-a-lon” instead of “tri-ath-lon”.
  • Tsunami – This word is often mispronounced as “tuh-sue-nuh-mee” instead of “soo-nah-mee”.


  • Unique – This word is often mispronounced as “you-neek” instead of “yoo-neek”.
  • Usually – Some people pronounce this word as “use-lee” instead of “yoozh-oo-uh-lee”.


  • Vehicle – This word is often mispronounced as “vee-hick-uhl” instead of “vee-i-kuhl”.
  • Vignette – The correct pronunciation is “vin-yet”, but some people say “vin-yet-ee”.


  • Worcestershire – This word is often mispronounced as “wor-chest-er-shire” instead of “woos-ter-sher”.
  • Wednesday – This word is often mispronounced as “wens-day” instead of “wenz-day”.


  • Xerox – The correct pronunciation is “zeer-oks”, but some people say “eks-er-oks”.


  • Yellow – Some people mispronounce this word as “yeller” instead of “yell-oh”.


  • Zealot – This word is often pronounced as “zee-lot” instead of “zel-uht”.
  • Zucchini – This word is often mispronounced as “zoo-kee-nee” instead of “zoo-kee-nee”.