List of Interjections

List of Interjections with sentences

List of Interjections with sentences.

Aah! That was a close call.

Ah, I see what you mean now.

Aha! I knew I recognized that face.

Alas, we’ve run out of time.

All right, let’s get to work.

Alrighty then, let’s get started.

Amen to that!

Aww, that’s so sweet of you.

Bam! Right in the kisser!

Bingo! We’ve found the solution.

Blah, I hate Mondays.

Brr, it’s freezing in here.

Bravo! You nailed that performance.

Bye, see you later.

Cheerio, old chap.

Cheers to a great night.

Congrats on your new job!

Congratulations on your graduation!

Crikey, that’s a big crocodile!

Damn, I forgot my phone at home.

Dang it, I spilled coffee on my shirt.

Darn it, I missed the train.

Dear me, what have I done?

Drat, I lost my keys again.

Dude, that’s so cool!

Eek, there’s a spider in my room!

Egad, what an awful smell!

Eh, it’s not that big of a deal.

Encore! Encore! That was amazing.

Eureka! I’ve found the solution.

Excellent, job well done.

Fabulous, you look amazing in that dress.

Fantastic, we’ve won the game.

Fiddlesticks, I forgot my wallet.

Gadzooks, that was a loud noise!

Gee, I didn’t know that.

Gee whiz, that’s impressive.

Geronimo! Let’s go skydiving.

Gosh, I’m so tired.

Great job, keep up the good work.

Ha, that’s hilarious.

Haha, you crack me up.

Hallelujah, we’ve been saved.

Hallo, how are you doing?

Hello, nice to meet you.

Hey, what’s up?

Hm, let me think about that.

Hmm, that’s a good question.

Holy cow, that’s a huge burger!

Holy mackerel, that’s a big fish!

Holy smokes, that was a close call.

Holy Toledo, that’s a lot of money!

Hot dog, we’ve made it to the top!

Howdy, partner.

Huh, I didn’t hear what you said.

Hurray, we’ve won the game!

Huzzah, let’s celebrate!

I’ll be, I never knew that.

Jeepers, that’s scary.

Jeez, what’s the rush?

Jolly good, old chap.

Jumpin’ Jehosaphat, that’s incredible!

Just great, I spilled coffee on my shirt again.

Kapow! That was a powerful punch.

Kerplunk, the vase fell and shattered.

Kewl, that’s a cool new gadget.

Kudos to you for doing such a great job.

La-di-da, I don’t care.

Lame, that joke wasn’t funny.

Lively, let’s go out and have some fun.

Now we will see some interjections expression on picture.

Here are some interjections in Bengali and English:


  1. হা (ha) – Yes
  2. না (na) – No
  3. আহা (aha) – Ah
  4. ওহো (oho) – Oh
  5. চলো (cholo) – Let’s go
  6. যাও (jao) – Go away
  7. আরে (are) – Hey
  8. ওই (oi) – Oi
  9. বাপরে (bapare) – Goodness gracious
  10. আইস্শ (aissh) – Phew
  11. আহা (aha) – wow, oh, ah
  12. ওহে (ohe) – oh, hey
  13. উফ (uf) – phew, ugh
  14. হাহা (haha) – haha, lol
  15. চলো (cholo) – let’s go, come on
  16. আহা (aha) – Ah
  17. উফ (uf) – Ugh
  18. ওই (oi) – Hey
  19. হুম (hum) – Hmm
  20. হাহাহা (hahaha) – Hahaha
  21. আচ্ছা (achha) – Okay
  22. হুমহুম (humhum) – Mm-hmm


  1. Yikes
  2. Oh no
  3. Oops
  4. Hurray
  5. Ouch
  6. Eww
  7. Yay
  8. Hmm
  9. Ahem
  10. Wow – ওও (oo)
  11. Oh – ওহ (oh)
  12. Ugh – উঃ (uh)
  13. Ha ha – হা হা (ha ha)
  14. Come on – চলেন (cholen)