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Phrasal Verbs That Start With “E”

Phrasal Verbs That start with’E’
Phrasal Verbs That start with’E’
Phrasal Verb Meaning Example
Ease off Reduce pressure or intensity. She eased off the accelerator to slow the car down.
Ease up Relax or calm down. She asked her teacher to ease up as she was feeling stressed.
Eat away Destroy slowly over time. The disease eats away at the liver.
Eat in Dine at home instead of going out. We decided to eat in rather than going to a restaurant.
Eat into Use something valuable, especially savings, when you don’t want to. We’ve had to eat into our savings since I lost my job.
Eat out Dine at a restaurant. We were too lazy to cook, so we ate out last night.
Eat up Consume all of something. If you don’t eat up your greens, you won’t get any dessert.
Eat up Consume something voraciously. This car eats up petrol.
Eat up Consume something unwanted or costly. The graphics eat up our bandwidth; they’re costing us a fortune.
Phrasal Verb Meaning Example
Ebb away Slowly go away. His life slowly went away as he got sicker.
Edge out Gradually move someone or something out of a place. The shareholders slowly moved the CEO out because things were getting worse.
Edge up Slowly move closer. She slowly moved closer to the bus at the red light.
Egg on Cheer someone on. The other students cheered him on when he argued with the teacher.
Eke out Make something last longer. Most students have to make their money last longer because they have very little.
Embark on Start something new. Pierre started studying for an MBA last fall.
Embark upon Start something new. Fernanda just started a new job.
Empty out Take everything out. I need to take everything out of my bag before school.
Empty out Pour everything from a container. I poured out some of the water to make room for more.
End in Finish in a certain way. It will end sadly.
End up Do something unplanned. We couldn’t go to Egypt, so we went to Turkey instead.
End up with Get something as a result. He tried hard but got a bad grade.
Enter for Sign up to participate. They signed up for the competition but didn’t win.
Enter into Join or agree to do something. They agreed to work together.
Eye up Look at someone closely. The man looked at the other man closely because he seemed strange.


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Dictionary Of Phrasal Verbs