King Lear Answer Sheet


    King Lear Answer Sheet

    Table of Contents

      Class 6 English,Chapter Seventeen, Lesson 17.1

      New Vocabularies:
      Literary-সাহিত্যবিষয়ক,Fairy tale- রুপকথার গল্প,Science fiction – বৈজ্ঞানিক কল্পকাহিনী ,Fable- উপকথা ,Impact – প্রভাব ,Moral lesson – নৈতিক শিক্ষা ,
      Dramatist – নাট্যকার ,Tragedies – বিয়োগান্তক ,Comedies – হাস্যরসাত্মক ,Ancient – প্রাচীন ,Curious – কৌতুহল ,Opinion – মতামত ,Genuine – খাঁটি ,
      Flatter তোষামোদ করা – ,Rehearse – পুনরাবৃত্তি করা / মহড়া দেওয়া ।

      Fairy tale-রুপকথার গল্প, Drama-নাটক, Poem-কবিতা, Short story-ছোট গল্প, Fable-উপকথা, Science fiction-বৈজ্ঞানিক কল্পকাহিনী

      King Lear Answer Sheet

      Class 6 English,Chapter Seventeen, Lesson 17.2

      Literary WritingsCharacteristics
      1. Short storyHas the beginning, ending, characters, facts(বাস্তবতা), time, place, and theme(বিষয়বস্তু).
      2. Play/DramaDivided into acts and scenes, has a plot(প্রেক্ষাপট), setting(বিন্যাস) & dialogue, etc.
      3. PoetryHas stanza, rhyme(অন্তমিল), and rhythm.
      4. FableShort and has a moral lesson(নৈতিক শিক্ষা).
      5. Science fictionCommon themes are time & space travel(মহাশূন্য ভ্রমণ), tells impacts of science on people.
      King Lear Answer Sheet

      Class 6 English,Chapter Seventeen, Lesson 17.3

      এখানে বাংলা অর্থসহ বুঝে নাওঃ


      A play is a form of literature written by a playwright. It is performed on a stage. Experiencing a play transcends the written words on a page. Typically, a play unfolds through dialogues, characters, and a structured plot, including elements such as a captivating beginning, a climactic sequence, and a conclusive ending. The setting, defining where the narrative unfolds, is also a crucial component. The play, further organized into acts and scenes, invites the audience into a dynamic world where the richness of storytelling comes alive through the synergy of these elements. In essence, the essence of a play lies not merely in its text but in the vibrant amalgamation of its characters, plot, and setting, making it a visual and auditory spectacle that engages the audience in a profound and immersive theatrical experience. 

      নোট 1:

      নাটক হল একধরনের সাহিত্য যা একজন নাট্যকারের দ্বারায় লেখা হয় । এটা সঞ্চালিত হয় একটি মঞ্চে. একটি নাটক পড়ার চেয়ে বেশি দেখা হয়। সাধারণত, একটি নাটকে আছে সংলাপ, চরিত্র, প্রেক্ষাপট (অর্থাৎ, গল্পের ক্রম যেমনঃ শুরু, সবচেয়ে আকর্ষণীয় বিষয়, সমাপ্তি, ইত্যাদি), এবং সেটিং (অর্থাৎ, গল্পটি কোথায় সেট করা হবে)। একটি নাটক অভিনয়ে এবং দৃশ্যে বিভক্ত থাকে।


      (An image of Shakespeare) ‘William Shakespeare’ – Have you ever heard the name? He emerged as a prominent figure in the realm of literature, wielding his pen as both an English playwright and a poet. His literary repertoire includes a multitude of plays, spanning the gamut from poignant tragedies to lighthearted comedies. ‘King Lear’ is one of his best tragedies.


      (শেক্সপিয়ারের একটি ছবি) ‘উইলিয়াম শেক্সপিয়র’- নাম শুনেছেন কখনো? তিনি ছিলেন একজন ইংরেজ নাট্যকার এবং কবি। তিনি অনেক নাটক লিখেছেন, ট্র্যাজেডি(বিয়োগান্তক) এবং কমেডি উভয়ই। ‘কিং লিয়ার’ তার অন্যতম সেরা ট্র্যাজেডি।

      Class 6 English,Chapter Seventeen, Lesson 17.4


      a. Who takes center stage as the primary figure in this theatrical production?

      Ans: King Lear is the main character in this play.

      b. What prompted his choice to partition his realm?

      Ans: He decided to divide his kingdom as he grew old.

      c. Can you provide the identities of his three daughters?

      Ans: The names of his three daughters are Goneril,Regan and Cordelia.

      d. What is the intended meaning behind Regan’s statement, “My love extends even beyond”?”

      Ans: When Regan expresses, “My love extends even further,” she is conveying a depth of affection that surpasses the love she feels for her elder sister. In essence, she is emphasizing a profound and heightened emotional connection with her father. This suggests that Regan’s love for her father transcends and surpasses the affection she holds for her sibling, indicating a unique and special bond with her paternal figure.

      e. Do you think Lear liked Cordelia’s answer? If you think yes, why? And, if you think no, why?

      Ans: No,Lear did not like Cordelia’s answer. I think ‘no’ Because he gave nothing to Cordelia.

      f. Which of the daughters holds the deepest affection for her father, King Lear, in your perspective? Why do you think so?

      Ans: To me,Cordelia loves her father king lear most.

      g. Do you love your parents? In what way would you express the depth of your affection for your parents?

      Ans:Of course,I love my parents.I will never flatter(তোষামোদ করা) them. I would describe my love to my parents by my works.

      Class 6 English,Chapter Seventeen, Lesson 17.5

       Column A (Characteristics)Column B (Examples)
      1. DialogueCordelia: Nothing, my lord. King Lear: Nothing?
      2. CharactersKing Lear,Goneril,Regan and Cordelia.
      3. PlotKing Lear wants to know about love of his daughters for him.
      4. Acts & scenesAct 1 and scene 1
      5. SettingAncient England.
      King Lear Answer Sheet

      Class 6 English,Chapter Seventeen, Lesson 17.6

      Do yourself.তোমরা নিজেরা কর।

      এটি সম্পূর্ণ শ্রেণি কার্য্যক্রম। চার জন মিলে দৃশ্যটি অভিনয় করো। একজন King Lear এর ভূমিকায় এবং বাকী তিনজন তিনকন্যার ভূমিকায়। প্রত্যেকদল এটা শ্রেনিতে অভিনয় করে দেখাবে।

      Class 6 English,Chapter Seventeen, Lesson 17.7

      Type of the Literary writingName of the literary writingCharacteristicsCharacteristics you identified
      Short story1.The liar cowboy.1. Lying is mischievous
      2. A liar will be punished.
      3. Falsehood must bring danger.
      1. Truthfulness is praiseworthy.
      2. Truthfulness should be praticed.
      3. Truthfulness leads to ultimate success.
      Fairy TalesCinderella1. People should be patient(ধৈয্য) durings hard times.
      2. Hard times will be gone away one day.
      3. A patient person will ultimately success in life.
      1. Hard time is temporary in life.
      2. Patience is important in life.
      3. Patience is one of the key factors success in life.
      DramaKing Lear1. Man must act wisely.
      2. Frivolous(ফালতু) decision can bring about terrible danger in life.
      3. Lack of proper knowledge can cause tragedy in life.
      1. Making mistake is in born in human.
      2. Man experiences purgatory action(শুধিমূলক ক্রিয়া) even at a certain period of life.
      3. Making mistake is a great teacher.
      King Lear Answer Sheet
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      Sheikh Mizan
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