Save Our Home Answer Sheet


    Save Our Home Answer Sheet

    Table of Contents

      Class 6 English,Unit Sixteen, Lesson 16.1

      New Vocabularies:

      Surrounding-পরিবেশ, চারপাশ,Increase-বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া,Decrease-কমে যাওয়া,Environment-পরিবেশ,Cultivable land-চাষযোগ্য জমি,Brick kiln-ইটের ভাটা,Comic strip-হাস্যকর ভাষা বা চিত্র,Long face-অসুখী বা হতাশ অভিব্যক্তি,Awareসচেতন,Aquarium-কৃতিম জলাধার,Awful-ভয়ানক ।

      Table A
      Things that are increasing in your environmentThings that are decreasing in your environment
      2.Cars – মোটরগাড়ি
      3.Houses – বাড়িঘর 
      4.Heat – তাপ 
      5.Machines – যন্ত্রপাতি 
      6.Plastic – প্লাস্টিক 
      7.Market Place – বাজারঘাট 
      8.Dust – ধূলাবালি 
      9.Buildings – ভবন 
      10.Wastes – আবর্জনা 
      11.Rickshaws – রিকশা
      12.Floods – বন্যা 
      13.Chemical Fertilizer – রাসায়নিক সার 
      14.Brick Kiln – ইটের ভাঁটা 

      Rivers – নদীনালা 
      Ponds – পুকুর 
      Rain – বৃষ্টি 
      Cultivable land – চাষযোগ্য জমি
      Trees – গাছপালা 
      Birds – পাখপাখালি 
      Playgrounds – খেলার মাঠ 
      Animals – জীবজন্তু 
      Fishes – মাছ 
      Forests – বন 
      Crops – ফসলাদি 

      Save Our Home Answer Sheet

      Class 6 English,Chapter Sixteen, Lesson 16.2


      a) Are your findings(তথ্য উপাত্ত) safe for your environment? If yes, why? If not, why?

      Answer: My findings are not safe our enviroment. Because, We are losing Cultivable land,Rivers,Birds,Animals etc.In a words We are losing our environment friendly elements.


      b) Do you think this change in your environment creates problems for your health? If yes, tell about 2/3 problems.

      Answer: This change in your environment creates many problems for your health.Its creates many diseases,some of them are fatal.We know that fruits fulfill our demands of vitamins and we find fruits from trees.Depletion(হ্রাস) of trees creates vitamins deficiency(ঘাটতি)  in our body.


      c) What can you do to protect your environment? Tell 2/3 of them.
      Answer: We have to together to protect our environment.We have to stop cutting down trees randomly.We have to reduce the use of machines.Above all, Our government should take some effective measures(কার্যকারী পদক্ষেপ) to protect our environment.

      Class 6 English,Chapter Sixteen, Lesson 16.3


      1. Why the long face?
      2. If not, why are friends for?
      3. Be done with your sad face.
      4. That’s awful!
      5. What this world is coming to!

      What makes you sad?
      In need, a true friend is always beside a friend.
      It’s time to be happy.
      It’s very sad!
      Life in the world isn’t as safe as it was in the past.
      Save Our Home Answer Sheet

      Class 6 English,Chapter Sixteen, Lesson 16.4


      The characters in the comic strip
      The reasons for sadness
      1. Sifat
      2. The tree
      3. The bird
      4. The fish

      Because his best friend is moving to another city.
      Because its family members have been cut down.
      Because its friends lost their home.
      Because its home is getting small.
      Save Our Home Answer Sheet

      Class 6 English,Chapter Sixteen, Lesson 16.5


      a. If one of your best friends is unhappy. You will-

      Answer: All.


      b. If your friend, the bird, lost his home as someone cut the tree. You will-

      Answer: ii) plant as many trees as possible. iii) tell people not to cut trees.


      c. Should your arboreal companion, the tree, sacrifice its family to fulfill the demands of humanity? You will-

      Answer: i) plant new trees. ii) Educate individuals on the significance of trees. iii) write to newspaper against it.


      d. Suppose your aquatic companion, the fish, finds itself displaced as a consequence of human activities that involve the continual filling of water habitats. You will-Answer: iii) make posters to make people aware. iv) talk to your friends and make a plan.

      Class 6 English,Chapter Sixteen, Lesson 16.6


      1. You can say to the trees that Hi trees ! I know your condition.But don’t worry.I will plant more trees.And I will try to make people aware about the importance of trees.
      1. You can say to the Birds that Hi Birds ! I know your condition.But don’t worry. You will get your home back when here will be a lot of trees. I will tell people not to cut trees.
      1. My little friend sorry to say that it was awful. Don’t worry friend,I will try to understand people about you.
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      Sheikh Mizan
      Hi! I'm Sheikh Mizan. I completed my postgraduate MBA from National University in Bangladesh. I've also completed three courses in Computer Office Management, Web Development, and SEO. Right now, I'm working on my personal educational website, which is designed for learners like you. This website covers all kinds of educational topics. I'm also active on various social media platforms. If there's a specific topic you'd like to learn more about, please feel free to comment anytime. Thank you for your support, and I hope you'll stay with us on this journey!


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