Meeting an Overseas Friend Answer pdf


Meeting an Overseas Friend Answer pdf

Meeting an Overseas Friend Answer pdf Class 6 English Unit-11(Chapter-11.1-11.7) All Question and Answers

Table of Contents

    New Vocabularies

    New Vocabularies: Look for, Nearby, Greetings, Address, Refusal, Friendly,Interesting, Stranger, Respect, Usually, Used to, Cultural difference, Directly,Instead.

    Meeting an Overseas Friend Answer pdf Lesson-11.1

    Read the following conversations. Let’s talk in groups and write about how Depok greets and interacts with different people in various contexts. You can use the table below. One is done for you.

    নিচের কথোপকথনগুলো পড়ো। জোড়ায় আলোচনা করো এবং লেখ কিভাবে দীপক বিভিন্ন পরিস্থিতিতে ভিন্ন ভিন্ন লোকদেরকে সম্বোধন করেছে। তোমার সুবিধার জন্য একটি নিচের সারণিতে করে দেয়া হল।

    Depok: Hey Robi! What’s up?
    Robi: Hi, Depok! How are you?
    Teacher: Good morning, Depok! How are you?
    Depok: Good morning, Ma’am. I am good.
    Depok: Hey Natasa!
    Natasa: Dear brother! I feel hungry.
    Depok: Good morning, Helal chacha!
    Good morning, Helal chacha!How are you feeling today?You seem to be in a good mood. What is going on?

    Depok: Excuse me, sister! Are you looking for something?
    Unknown person: Oh! thanks. I’m looking for a nearby hospital.

    Read the following note on greetings, address, refusal, and closing:

    A greeting is something friendly that we say or do when we meet someone
    (e.g., hello, hi, Assalamu Alaikum, Namaskar, Adab, Good Morning, etc.).
    When we talk to someone, we address them. Sometimes we use their names
    (e.g., Dipok, Helal Chacha, etc.), or titles (e.g., Ms. Yesmin), and sometimes
    we use a word that shows our feelings for them (e.g., my son, dear friend,
    A refusal is when we say no to someone or we disagree with something
    (e.g., No, I’m not. Sorry that I can’t take it, etc.).
    The way we end a conversion (e.g., see you again, bye, good night, etc.)

    The Table:


    In pairs/groups discuss the following questions. Then, write the answers in the table below. One is done for you.
    জোড়ায়/দলে নিচের প্রশ্নগুলো আলোচনা করো। তারপর নিচের সারণিতে উত্তরগুলো লেখ।তোমার সুবিধার জন্য একটি উত্তর নিচের সারণিতে করে দেয়া হলো।

    a. Who do you talk to every day?
    b. How do you greet them?

    c. How do you address them?
    d. How do you accept or refuse someone/something?
    e. How do you end the conversations?

    Meeting an Overseas Friend Answer pdf


    নিচে লিওনার্দ ও নার্দ ডালিয়ার কথোপকথনটি পড়ো এবং জোড়ায় অভিনয় করে তা দেখাও।তারপর নিচের কাজগুলো জোড়ায়/দলে সম্পন্ন করো।


    Leonard Cohen reads in class six. He
    came from Canada to visit a Bangladeshi school. He met Dalia Hassan whoalso reads in class six. The conversation between Dalia and Leonard goes like that

    Meeting an Overseas Friend Answer pdf

    Dalia: So, Leonard, how do you find our school?
    Leonard: It’s good, you know. And it is interesting (laughing).
    Dalia: Okay. So, what did you find interesting!
    Leonard:Well, um…. I really find it interesting the way you address the people
    you meet.

    When you say a name, you add something to it.Dalia: Yes, we always say our elders’ names first. Then we add something like ‘brother’,’sister’, ‘uncle’ or ‘aunty’.By the way, how do you talk to your elders?

    Leonard: When I meet someone, If I know a person, I’ll use their first name. However, if I’ve just met them, I will use their last name and include Mr/Ms. at the start. So, how do you address strangers?


    Below you will find the meaning of these words and phrases along with alternative answers. Find the best answer from these four options.
    উপরের কথোপকথন থেকে এখানে কিছু শব্দ দেয়া হলো। শব্দগুলোর অর্থবিকল্প অর্থসহ নিচে দেয়া আছে। চারটি উত্তরের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে সঠিক উত্তরটি লেখ।

    A. I think it’s interesting how you talk to people. Here the
    underlined word means) valuable
    ii) familiar
    iii) different
    iv) rare
    B. We say hello to elders and strangers. Here the underlined word meansv) Elderly persons
    vi) Youngers
    vii) Seniors
    viii) Unknown persons
    C. We have cultural differences around the world. Here the underlined word
    meansix) Exchange
    x) Choices
    xi) Varieties
    xii) Practice
    D. We usually say no directly. Here the underlined word meansxiii) Personally
    xiv) Simply
    xv) Straightly
    xvi) Lately
    E. I thought everyone liked our style. Here the underlined
    word meansi) Never in the past
    ii) Sometimes in the future
    iii) Always in the past
    iv) Always in the future

    Meeting an Overseas Friend Answer pdf Lesson-11.5

    Now in pairs/groups, ask and answer the following questions.

    A. Who are Leonard and Dalia?
    B. How do Muslims and Hindus greet each other in our country?

    Meeting an Overseas Friend Answer pdf Lesson-11.6

    জোড়ায়/দলে নিচের কথোপকথনটি পড়ো। বাংলাদেশ ও কানাডার ক্ষেত্রে কি কি সাংস্কৃতিক পার্থক্য তুমি পেয়েছ তা লেখ।

    Meeting an Overseas Friend Answer pdf

    Meeting an Overseas Friend Answer pdf Lesson-11.7

    জোড়ায়/দলে পরের কথোপকথনটি পড়ো এবং সঠিক শব্দ/অভিব্যক্তি দিয়ে শূন্যস্থান পূর্ণ কর্ণ রো।জোড়ায় আলোচনাটি অনুশীলন করো এবং পরবর্তীতে ক্লাসের সামনে তা অভিনয় করে দেখাও।

    Meeting an Overseas Friend Answer pdf Story Setting:
    Amar Ekushey Book Fair

    On a breezy spring afternoon, Rakib, a Bangladeshi boy aged 13, meets Scott, a British boy of the same age, in the book fair. By the way, they are both at the same book stand and browsing the books that are available in that stand.

    Meeting an Overseas Friend Answer pdf

    Rakib: ……………..
    Scott: …………….
    Rakib: Are you interested in wildlife?
    Scott: …………….. What about you?
    Rakib: Yes indeed. That’s why when I saw you with this book, I had to ask
    you whether you are also an animal lover? I am Rakib by the way.
    Scott: ………., Rakib. My name is Scott.
    Scott: I understand how you are feeling. I feel the same way. A copy of
    wildlife was the last book on my list. I will go home now. …………………..,
    Rakib: I still have a book to buy. Scott.

    উত্তর পেতে নিচের লিংকে ক্লিক করুন-

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