Ask and Answer Answer Sheet


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    Ask and Answer Answer Sheet

    Table of Contents

      Chapter Four,Lesson-4.1

      New Vocabularies: Recite, Creature,Entertain, Adorable,Emperor,Puzzled, Nearby,Paws,Refer,Reward

      নতুন শব্দভান্ডার: বিনোদন, আবৃত্তি, প্রাণী, আরাধ্য, পাঞ্জা, বিভ্রান্ত,সম্রাট, কাছাকাছি, পুরস্কার, উল্লেখ করুন.

      জোড়ায় অথবা দলে 5টি বর্ণনা মূলক (Statement) ও 5টি প্রশ্নবোধক (Question) বাক্য চিহ্নিত করো। তারপর বাক্যের গঠনগুলো লেখ ও দুই ধরনের বাক্যের পার্থক্য আলোচনা করো।

      Statements Sentence:

      1. Monir’s uncle is coming from America.
      2. He will arrive next Wednesday.
      3. You and your father will receive him at the airport.
      4. We all need to start working from today.
      5. Everything is set now, so let’s get started.

      Questions Sentence:

      1. When will Rumi uncle arrive?
      2. Who will receive him at the airport?
      3. Do you want to go to the airport?
      4. Do you have any exams this week, bhaiya?
      5. Is it your favorite egg pudding?

      Sentence Structures:


      1. Simple declarative sentence: “Monir’s uncle is coming from America.”
      2. Complex declarative sentence: “He will arrive next Wednesday.”
      3. Compound declarative sentence: “You and your father will receive him at the airport.”
      4. Complex declarative sentence: “We all need to start working from today.”
      5. Simple declarative sentence: “Everything is set now, so let’s get started.”


      1. Interrogative sentence (Wh-question): “When will Rumi uncle arrive?”
      2. Interrogative sentence (Wh-question): “Who will receive him at the airport?”
      3. Interrogative sentence (Yes/No question): “Do you want to go to the airport?”
      4. Interrogative sentence (Yes/No question): “Do you have any exams this week, bhaiya?”
      5. Interrogative sentence (Wh-question): “Is it your favorite egg pudding?”

      Differences between Statement and Question Structures:

      1. বাক্যের ফাংশন:
      • বিবৃতি তথ্য প্রকাশ করে বা চিন্তা প্রকাশ করে।
      • প্রশ্ন তথ্য বা নিশ্চিতকরণ চায়.
      1. শব্দ ক্রম:
      • বিবৃতি সাধারণত একটি subject-verb-object (SVO) বা subject-verb (SV) শব্দের ক্রম অনুসরণ করে।
      • প্রশ্নগুলি প্রায়শই একটি উল্টানো শব্দের ক্রম ব্যবহার করে, সহায়ক ক্রিয়া বা প্রধান ক্রিয়াটি বিষয়ের আগে স্থাপন করে।
      1. বিরাম চিহ্ন:
      • বিবৃতি একটি পিরিয়ড (পূর্ণ বিরতি) দিয়ে শেষ হয়।
      • প্রশ্ন চিহ্ন দিয়ে শেষ হয়।
      1. বাক্যের ধরন:
      • বিবৃতি সহজ, জটিল বা যৌগিক হতে পারে।
      • প্রশ্নগুলি হ্যাঁ/না প্রশ্ন বা হু-প্রশ্ন হতে পারে (কে, কী, কখন, কোথায়, কেন, কীভাবে)।
      1. ক্রিয়া ব্যবহার:
      • বিবৃতি নির্দেশক Mode ব্যবহার করে।
      • প্রশ্ন প্রায়ই জিজ্ঞাসামূলক Mode ব্যবহার করে.

      Chapter Four,Lesson-4.2

      জোড়ায়/দলে ‘Count Wisely’ ছোট গল্পটি পড়ো। তার Column A এর শব্দের অর্থ Column B এর শব্দের অর্থমিলাও।

      Column A (Words/Phrases)Column B (Meanings)
      1. PuzzledUnable to understand, so becomes confused
      2. Figure outCalculate the total number
      3. AdvisorA person who gives advice
      4. EmperorKing
      5. ImmediatelyAt once
      6. AnnouncedTell people about something officially
      7. CountCalculate the total number
      8. RelativesPersons who are part of the family
      Ask and Answer Answer Sheet

      Chapter Four,Lesson-4.3

      To categorize the sentences based on whether they are assertive or interrogative, and to discuss their purposes, we can use the following table:

      Assertive SentenceOne day, Emperor Akbar asked the question “How many crows are there in the city?” in his court.Complex DeclarativeTo introduce the main event or action in the story.
      Interrogative SentenceEveryone in the courtroom became puzzled.Simple InterrogativeTo inquire about the state of everyone in the courtroom.
      Assertive SentenceThey all tried to figure out the answer but couldn’t.Complex DeclarativeTo describe the unsuccessful attempt of the people to find the answer to the question posed by the emperor.
      Interrogative SentenceThey were asking each other, “How can we count? Is it possible to count all the crows of a city?”.Compound InterrogativeTo express the confusion and questions of the people in the courtroom regarding the possibility of counting all crows.
      Assertive SentenceThen, he announced the answer.Simple DeclarativeTo describe Birbal’s action of providing the answer to the question.
      Interrogative SentenceEmperor Akbar asked, “ How did you count the number of the crow?”Simple InterrogativeTo inquire about the method Birbal used to determine the number of crows.
      Ask and Answer Answer Sheet


      • Assertive Sentences: These sentences make statements or declarations. In the context of the story, assertive sentences are used to present facts or describe events, contributing to the narrative flow.
      • Interrogative Sentences: These sentences ask questions. They are used to seek information or clarification. In the story, interrogative sentences are employed to express the confusion and inquiries of the people in the courtroom.
      • Purposes:
        • Narrative Introduction: Assertive sentences set the stage, introducing the main event or action in the story.
        • Expressing Confusion: Interrogative sentences convey the confusion and questions of the characters in response to the emperor’s question.
        • Describing Actions: Assertive sentences describe actions or events in a straightforward manner.
        • Seeking Information: Interrogative sentences are used to seek information, such as how the crows were counted.

      Chapter Four,Lesson-4.4

      Column A (সারণি A) এর সাথে Column B (সারণি B) এর না বোধক বাক্যগুলো মিলাও।

      Column AColumn B
      1. Pets are adorable creatures.d. Pets aren’t adorable creatures.
      2. I have a puppy.g. I don’t have a puppy.
      3. He has soft paws.f. He doesn’t have soft paws.
      4. He is cute and loyal.No match in Column B (Affirmative sentence).
      5. We call it “Bagha” by name.h. We don’t call him “Bagha” by name.
      6. He loves to sleep next to me.c. He doesn’t love to sleep next to me.
      7. He becomes a part of my family.a. He doesn’t become a part of my family.
      8. He is also very popular among my friends.e. Also, he is not at all popular among my friends.
      Ask and Answer Answer Sheet

      Chapter Four,Lesson-4.5

      Answer of Blank of Text-

      Hello! I’m Rakib Hasan. Usually, I get up early in the morning, but today, I overslept. I love my school, so I never miss a day. Today, My tutor asked me, “What is your favorite fruits?” I replied that I love mangoes. In English class, my best friend wanted to borrow my pen. I told him, “I’m sorry, but I only have one.” Today, I joined the recitation club, not the singing club. Because I love recitation, but I’m not interested in singing. Before ringing the bell, my teacher asked, “Did you complete your homework?” I replied that I put everything all in my bag.

      Chapter Four,Lesson-4.6

      নিচে প্রশ্নের সাথে সাথে উত্তরটাও দেয়া আছে –

      • May I know your name, please?
        • Emily.
      • What do you do?
        • I am currently a psychology major at the university.
      • Where do you live?
        • I live in a cozy apartment near the university campus.
      • How much free time do you usually have?
        • Despite a busy academic schedule, I manage to find a good amount of free time during weekends.
      • What do you like to do with your free time?
        • I am an avid gardener, and I enjoy spending hours in my small balcony garden.
      • Why do you like it?
        • Gardening provides a therapeutic escape from academic pressures and promotes mental well-being.
      • Do you spend money on it?
        • I don’t spend much money on it, but occasionally invest in new seeds and gardening tools.
      • Do you need any help doing it? If yes, who does help you?
        • I do it independently but occasionally seek advice from my gardening enthusiast neighbor.
      • Is it environmentally friendly?
        • Yes, I appreciate the environmental friendliness of gardening, as it involves nurturing and caring for living things.
      • Do your family members like it?
        • Yes, my family members find joy in the vibrant blooms and fresh herbs I cultivate.
      • Who inspires you to do the work?
        • I was inspired by my grandmother, who was a passionate gardener.
      • Is it important for you to have a hobby? If yes, why?
        • Yes, having a hobby like gardening is crucial for me as it brings balance to my life, offering a refreshing break from the demands of daily routine and contributing to my overall well-being.
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      Sheikh Mizan
      Hi! I'm Sheikh Mizan. I completed my postgraduate MBA from National University in Bangladesh. I've also completed three courses in Computer Office Management, Web Development, and SEO. Right now, I'm working on my personal educational website, which is designed for learners like you. This website covers all kinds of educational topics. I'm also active on various social media platforms. If there's a specific topic you'd like to learn more about, please feel free to comment anytime. Thank you for your support, and I hope you'll stay with us on this journey!


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