Medha’s dream Answer sheet


    Medha’s dream Answer sheet

    Table of Contents

      Class six english, chapter twelve,Lesson-12.1

      New Vocabularies: 

      Funny-হাস্যকর/মজা,Straight line-সোজা পথ,Remind-মনে করিয়ে দেওয়,Improve-উন্নত করা,Encourage-উৎসাহ দেওয়া,Sketch-নকশা আঁকা,Extremely-চরমভাব,Fulfill-পরিপুর্ন করা,According to-অনুসারে,Hang-ঝুলানো.।

      Class six english, chapter twelve,Lesson-12.2

      • What are the five things you did yesterday?

             Ans:1.Finished my homework.

                    2.Fed my dog.

                    3.Helped my mother.

                    4.Played with friends.

                    5.heard music.

      • What are the five things you usually do?

      Ans:1.Do homework.

             2.Help my parents.

             3.Help my sister.

             4.Feed my pet.

             5.Play with my friends.

             6.Go to school.

      • What are the five things you will do tomorrow?

             Ans:1.I will do homework.

                    2.I will help my parents.

                    3.I will take breakfast.

                    4.I will feed my pet.

                    5.I will play with my friends. 6.I will go to school in time.

      Class six english, chapter twelve,Lesson-12.4

      1. My handwriting is much better now.(am,is,are,can,may,might,need,dare to,ought to,have,has)(Present tense)

      2. I found one of my notebooks.(was,were,had)(Past tense)

      3. I can improve my handwriting.(Present tense)

      4. I couldn’t even draw a straight line.(Past tense)

      5. I will draw a picture of my parents and hang it in my room.(will,shall)(Future tense)

      6. My handwriting became good after a few years of practice.(Past tense)

      7. Now I’m practicing drawing a lot.(Present tense)

      8. When I will be good enough at sketching, I will fulfill my wishes.(Future tense)

      Class six english, chapter twelve,Lesson-12.6

      My handwriting is much better now.subject(My handwriting)+Verb(is)+object(much better now).
      I found one of my notebooks.subject(I)+Verb(found/V2)+object(one of my notebooks).
      I can improve my handwriting.subject(I)+Verb(improve)+object(my handwriting).
      I couldn’t even draw a straight line.subject(I)+Verb(Could=v2+draw)(adv=even)+object(a straight line).
      I will draw a picture of my parents and hang it in my room.subject(I+it)+Verb(will+draw+hang)+object(a picture of my parents and  in my room).
      My handwriting became good after a few years of practice.subject(My handwriting)+Verb(became)+object(good after a few years of practice).
      Now I’m practicing drawing a lot.subject(I)+Verb(am+practicing)+object(drawing a lot).
      When I will be good enough at sketching.subject(I)+Verb(will be)+object(good enough at sketching).(conj=when)
      I will fulfill my wishes.subject(I)+Verb(will+fulfill)+object(my wishes).
      I write letters to my father.subject(I)+Verb(write)+object(letters to my father).
      Medha’s dream Answer sheet

      Class six english, chapter twelve,Lesson-12.7

      Present(Subject + V1+……)Past(Subject + V2+……)Future(Subject +shall/will+V1+……)
      Today I read an essay onthe Sundarbans.Yesterday I read an essay on the Sundarbans.Tomorrow I will read an essay on the Sundarbans.
      It makes me interestedto visit the Sundarbans.It made me interestedto visit the Sundarbans.It will make me interestedto visit the Sundarbans.
      And I decide to visit itnext month.And I decided to visit itlast month.And I will decide to visit itnext month.
      I also take my parent’spermission.I also took my parent’spermission.I will also take my parent’spermission.
      I am very happy now.I was very happy then.I will very happy then.
      Medha’s dream Answer sheet

      Class six english, chapter twelve,Lesson-12.8

      1. I go to school every day.(present tense)

      2. The sun rises in the east.(present tense and universal truth)

      3. Honesty helps to make us happy.(present tense)

      4. I will take a walk tomorrow.(future tense)

      5. He helped a beggar yesterday.(past tense)

      6. I got a gift from my teacher last month.(past tense)

      7. My friends played with me last Friday.(past tense)8. He will prepare lunch for his mother tomorrow.(future tense)

      Class six english, chapter twelve,Lesson-12.9

      • Situation 1: Daily Routine of Rajib 

      Rajib is the youngest of three siblings. He is in class six. He is an early bird.Usually,He gets up early in the morning.Then he takes the breakfast.Then he takes preparation for school and go to school.Then he returns from school at 4.00 p.m. after play with friends in the field.This is a short and daily routine of Rajib.

      • Situation 2: My Dream 

      I am Ratul. I resided in a tiny town located in Munshiganj. From my childhood, I had a dream to study in a Public University .For that I admitted in a versity coaching centre.Besides,I am following their instruction.besically I wish studied on english subject. I hope that I will chance on versity.After that  finish my study I want to be a good teacher on english.And That is my short a dream. 

      • Situation 3: How to Follow Direction

      I am Laila. I am the captain of my class. My teacher wants me to plan a party for our class. I have made a plan. It is as follows:First, I will make a committee to do everything well.Then i will give doing one task everyone.whereas it’s a very important responsibility.So,I will try to my best to finishing it.Otherwise,will be arrange more event in the class party.Such as foods subject,dance event,dramma and more events etc.And after I will understand all the work from everyone. Then I will submit my classes teacher all preparation task.

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      Sheikh Mizan
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